How can I get a membership at the Madrona Swim Club?
Several memberships change hands each season. Most memberships are sold or leased neighbor-to-neighbor or via word-of-mouth. The membership director maintains an interested list (NOT a waiting list) of families interested in buying or leasing a pool membership. This interested list is for the benefit of member families seeking to sell or lease their memberships. Any family wishing to be added to this list should fill out this form.

What steps must a member take to sell or lease a membership?
If necessary, contact the membership director for a list of interested parties. Upon finding a family to buy or lease, the member family should advise the membership director of the impending sale or lease and then fill out, sign and submit a Change of Information Form. Upon receipt of the form, the club will update the membership list (in the case of a sale).

Please note, in the case of a lease, the member remains responsible for payment of the annual dues and the member will be assessed a late fee if the dues are not timely paid. It is the responsibility of the member to make arrangements with any leasing party to timely pay the dues or to reimburse the member.

What happens if there is a divorce and/or a blended family forms?
Memberships can only belong to one household. A divorcing couple must agree which person will keep the pool membership and must notify the membership director of any change in this regard. Any children living in the member household may use the pool as members and may bring the non-member parent as a guest (guest fees apply) to the pool.

For example: Bob and Carol, who have two kids, divorce and agree Bob will retain the pool membership. Bob and the kids can use the pool as members and the kids can come separately with Carol provided they sign her in and pay for her as a guest. In the event Bob remarries and his spouse has kids, this new blended family can also use the pool as members. However, should Carol remarry, she and her newly blended family can only come to the pool as guests of the “member” kids.