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Revised 03/31/22


SECTION 1Number and Qualifications. There shall not be more than 110 member families. New memberships shall occur only by replacement as described in Article I, Section 3. A member family is defined as a couple or single adult, with or without children.

SECTION 2Proof of Membership. A current database is kept with record of owners and can override an outdated certificate of membership.

SECTION 3. Sale and Lease of Memberships.

(a)  Sale of Memberships. The Membership Director shall be notified of the holders’ intent to sell their membership. The member may use the following options to sell the membership:

(1)  The holder(s) of a membership may sell the membership to a party buying or otherwise obtaining possession of their household.

(2)  The holder(s) may sell the membership to a friend or neighbor providing that the family meets the description in Article I, Section 1.

(3)  The holder(s) may give his/her name to the Membership Director and make use of the list of potential buyers.

(b)  Lease of Membership. The Membership Director shall be notified of the holders’ intent to lease their membership, including name, address, children’s names, and phone number of lessee. Memberships may be leased to a friend or neighbor providing that the family meets the description in Article I, Section 1. Members shall not lease, loan, or otherwise transfer the right to use the pool to any person(s) for periods of less than one year. The holder shall inform lessee of by-laws and pool regulations, and the membership is subject to termination for violation of policies as stated in Article VI, Section 3.

SECTION 4. Corporation Description. The corporation shall be a non-profit corporation. No dividends shall be paid. The privileges to be secured by being a member are simply the use of the corporate facilities. The membership shall be non-assessable.

SECTION 5Special Life Membership. In consideration for the donation of the site for the Madrona Swim Club, Inc., Tony and Eleanor Biegler (and their children so long as their children own the adjacent real property), shall have lifetime rights to use the club facilities free of membership dues.


SECTION 1Principal Office. The principal office shall be located at the site of the swimming pool.

SECTION 2. Annual Meeting. An annual meeting of the members of the corporation shall be held during the month of April each year. Every member shall be notified of the meeting not less than 5 days prior to such a meeting by mail, or email, at the last known place of residence or email address. At this meeting, if needed,members shall be elected to the Board of Directors as hereinafter described.

SECTION 3Place of Meeting. The place of the annual meeting may be located at the site of the swimming pool, or such other place designated by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 4. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by like notice from the President and a majority of the Board; or by at least 10% of the members (whose names must appear on the notices). No business other than that described on the notices shall be transacted at the special meeting.

SECTION 5. Quorum. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of 25 percent of the members either in person or by proxy (Article V, Section 2). Each membership is entitled to one vote. If a quorum is not at a meeting, then a second meeting may be called and those present (or represented by proxy) will be a quorum if prior notice of such a meeting is given as provided in Article II, Sections 2 and 3. Said notice shall specify that it is the second call and those present will constitute a quorum.


SECTION 1. Number and Term of Office. The Board of Directors shall consist of between four and thirteen members. Vacant board positions at the time of the Annual Meeting shall be filled by a plurality vote of the members. Each director shall serve a three-year term. A director may serve multiple and/or consecutive terms. Terms are to run from January to December. The Board of Directors may have the option to stagger terms of office if it deems fit. This would be done to avoid a complete changeover of the Board every three years.

SECTION 2Vacancies and Absences. In the case of a vacancy on the Board of Directors, a replacement is to be made by a majority vote of the remaining Directors within 30 days. If a Director is absent without a valid reason for 3 consecutive meetings of the Board, then the Board of Directors may move to replace that Director.

SECTION 3Meeting and Quorum. The Board of Directors shall meet regularly throughout the year. A majority of the Board members represents a quorum. All meetings will be at the notification of the President and/or by consent of any 3 or more of the Directors. Transactions of the Board of Directors without a meeting may be carried out if it is in writing and signed by a majority of the Directors, and also is entered in the minutes of the Board of Directors by date.

SECTION 4. Officers. At the first annual meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board shall elect from its members the following officers:  President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer. Other offices may include Activities, Equipment, Grounds, Membership, Personnel, Communications, Swim Team (2), and Past President. These positions may be shared or combined according to the needs of the club and the interests of the Board members. One member may serve in multiple officer capacities.

SECTION 5. Participation in Meetings by Telephone. Members may participate in a meeting by telephone or video conference or other similar communication device. Participation in a meeting by telephone or video conference shall constitute presence in person at the meeting.

SECTION 6Duties of the Officers and Board.

(a)  The Board:  The Board of Directors may appoint such committees as are necessary to fulfill their duties.

(b)  President: The President shall call meetings, or otherwise notify the members or directors of meetings and preside over such meetings. S/He shall sign all instruments of monetary transfer together with the Secretary or treasurer in the name of the corporation, as well as all written contracts and obligations of the corporation. S/He shall exercise general supervision over the business of the corporation and at the annual meeting of the membership shall make a report relative to such business during the term of his/her presidency. The President may vote either at members’ meetings or Directors’ meeting upon any question.

(c)  Vice-President: In case of absence, incapacity, or inability of the President to perform the duties of his/her office, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President. If both the President and the Vice-President shall be absent from the meeting of the Board of Directors or the membership, those present shall choose a presiding officer.

(d)  Secretary: The Secretary shall attend all the sessions of the Board of Directors and of the membership and keep minutes of all meeting. S/He shall have custody of all the records pertaining to this office. With the President, s/he shall sign all written contracts and obligations of the club. In the event of his/her absence, incapacity, or inability to act, any other officer or Director of the club may perform his/her duties. If s/he is not present at any meeting of the Directors or the membership, a secretary pro-tem may be chosen.

(e)  Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of the financial records of the club and shall make a detailed report including a tentative proposed budget for the next fiscal year (January 1 – December 31) to the membership at each annual meeting accompanied by an audit made by an independent auditor if the Board of Directors so determine. The Treasurer is also able to co-sign checks with the Secretary or President.

(f)  Activities:  The Activities Director is responsible for scheduling pool parties and swim lessons. They schedule swim instructor training with Kroc center representative and attend the training along with all staff who will be teaching lessons. They provide swim lesson session dates to the Communications Director for publication on the website. They are responsible for swim lesson registration as well as tracking member versus non-member income from lessons to provide to the Treasurer. They book member pool parties and communicate staffing needs to pool manager for said parties.

(g) Equipment:  The Equipment Director shall maintain the equipment and machinery in the boiler room (heater, motor, filters). S/He shall maintain the pool chemistry during the non-summer months. S/He shall coordinate the pool chemistry with the life-guard staff during the summer. S/He shall order the pool chemicals and maintain the chlorinating equipment. S/He shall coordinate the cleaning and backwashing of filters during the summer. S/He shall obtain supplies such as hardware, light bulbs, and soap. S/He shall be responsible for opening the pool in the spring and closing the pool in the fall (diving boards, ladders, etc.).

(h) Grounds:  The Grounds Director shall maintain the grounds, building, external facilities, and fixtures, organizing work parties as needed.

(i) Membership:  The Membership Director shall have custody of all the records pertaining to the office. S/He will facilitate the transfer of memberships by keeping an interested list of people who want to buy/lease a membership. S/He will make contact with them upon the availability of a membership. S/He will advise the member on the procedure for transferring the membership. The membership director shall receive dues and be the keeper of all records pertaining to members and leasers of memberships and update said records accordingly.

(j) Personnel:  The Personnel Director shall recruit and hire lifeguards for the purpose of guarding and giving swimming lessons. S/He shall represent the Board and membership to the lifeguards, represent the lifeguards to the Board and membership, and approve all schedule changes. If there is no Personnel Director on the Board, these duties will fall to the President.

(k) Communications: The Communications Director shall send out timely notices of all meetings, both of the Directors and of the membership, as required by the By-Laws. S/he will update and maintain the website and postings at the pool. S/He shall maintain the official correspondence of the club and perform such other duties as may be required of him/her by the Board of Directors.

(l) Swim Team: Two-person position. The Swim Team Director(s) will organize swim team practices, meets, and coordinate with all other pools as the President deems necessary. They will handle all communication with members prior to season start, and during season to include details about meets and practices as well as when the pool will be closed to non-swim team members. They will be responsible for gear and equipment for all members and for meets. They will recruit people to volunteer at meets for the various positions. They will throw end of season celebration with help of Pool Manager as needed. They will help Pool Manager as needed with various Swim Team tasks.

(m)  Past President:  The immediate Past President of the Board of Directors can sit on the Board and perform those duties required by the President.


SECTION 1. Amount and Date. The annual dues shall be set by the Board of Directors and shall be payable on or before the 15th day of April. If a member family’s dues are not paid by April 15, thereafter, there shall be a 15% assessment added to the member’s annual dues. If a member family’s dues are not paid by May 1, the member family’s membership shall be forfeited pursuant to Article VI, Section 3(a) with notice to member family.

SECTION 2. Privilege of Dues. All membership holders are required to pay dues unless excused by the Board of Directors. Such exceptions will be made only under extreme circumstances. Failure to comply will result in expulsion as arranged in Article VI, Section 3. Current Board members will receive a 50% reduction of the dues for the current year in which they are serving.

SECTION 3. Who Uses Facilities. The facilities may be used by the immediate family of the membership holder providing their annual dues are paid. Members may bring up to nine (9) guests at a time, and they must be accompanied by a member, with pool code remaining in the possession of the member family. Guest fees shall be set by the board. Other guest policies will be set by the Board of Directors as need arises and circumstances change. Other rules and regulations regarding the management of the facilities is at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The welfare of the corporation is to be considered by the Board of Directors in carrying out policies of operation and use of the facilities regarding guests and behavioral problems.

SECTION 4. Special Assessment. In the event the annual dues are insufficient to cover operating expenses of required maintenance, the Board shall, at its discretion, require a special assessment of the membership. If the special assessment remains unpaid, it shall be added to the current year’s dues and be subject to Article IV, Section 1.


SECTION 1Procedure for Amending By-Laws. The amendment or new By-Law to be introduced shall be mailed or emailed to each member of the corporation not more than 10 days and not less than 5 days prior to the meeting at which time they are to be considered, or the date they are to be implemented. Upon receiving a favorable majority vote of the voting membership holders of the corporation (by proceeding as in Article II, Sections 4 & 5), the change will become part of the By-Laws.

SECTION 2. Proxy. A membership holder may vote while not in attendance at a meeting by the use of a proxy, if the proxy is in writing, or has been emailed to a Board member.


SECTION 1. Corporation Books and Records. The books and records of the corporation shall be available for inspection by any member during normal business hours at the customary place of keeping.

SECTION 2. Financial Statement. A financial statement for the calendar year can be mailed or emailed with the notice of the annual meeting, if requested by a member. This statement shall cover the ending calendar year.

SECTION 3. Forfeiture and Termination of Member Family Membership.  A member family’s membership may be terminated subject to forfeiture at the discretion of the Board of Directors for violation of policies, as established by the Board.

SECTION 4. Complaints. Complaints regarding the conduct or action of any officer, director, member, or employee of the club, or regarding any phase of the operation of the club, shall be submitted in writing by the complaining member to the Secretary, who shall submit the same to the Board of Directors for disposition.


The corporation shall indemnify each of its Directors or agents to the fullest extent permissible under the Oregon Non-Profit Corporation Law (ORS 61.005 et seq.) as the same exists or may hereafter be amended, against all expenses, liability, and losses including attorney’s fees incurred or suffered by such person by reason of or arising from the fact that such person is or was a Director or agent of the corporation, or is or was serving at the request of the corporation, and such indemnification shall continue as to a person who has ceased to be a Director or agent and shall inure to the benefit of his or her heirs, executors or administrators.