Lifeguards are required to prevent and stop any activity that is unsafe, causes injury or conflict to a member or guest, or damages property. Interaction with lifeguards should be kept to a minimum so as not to interfere with their duties and responsibilities
At MSC, the patron to guard ratio is 1:25. As the patron load increases and more than 25 patrons are in the water, a second lifeguard will be called in to assist with patron surveillance. With this in mind, the lifeguard on duty will have patrons exit the pool until a second guard arrives to assist, explaining the rationale for doing so. Once the second lifeguard arrives, they two guards will position themselves on opposite sides of the pool deck for patron surveillance. Patrons may then re-enter the water. Lifeguards will rotate positions after each 10-minute break. 10-minute breaks are not optional and must be taken even when only one guard is present (ratio is below 1:25).
Hanging or climbing on or over the wading pool wall is prohibited
Members and guests are not permitted to run at the pool facility
Gum, glass containers, alcohol and tobacco products are not permitted at the pool facility
No profanity or derogatory language is permitted at the pool facility
Oregon State Health and Madrona Swim Club regulations require everyone to shower before entering the swimming pool water
Appropriate swimming attire is required by all members and their guests
Children who are not toilet trained are required to wear swim diapers and plastic pants
Rough play at the pool facility is not permitted
The upper deck pool area(s) are designated for the consumption of food and drinks by members and their guests. No food or drink is permitted in the lower deck pool area
Please clean up all trash and personal belongings in the lower pool deck area and in the upper pool deck area(s) when you are done with your visit for the day or evening
Please clean up your mess and trash in the pool dressing room areas at all times
Swimmers must wait until the immediate area is clear before jumping or diving off of the diving board. Also, swimmers must dive or jump straight off of the end of the board into the pool
Only one diving board user is permitted on the board at any one time
No hanging from the diving board is allowed
There is a 250 lb. weight limit for the diving board.
When lifeguards announce their breaks, the minimum age for persons remaining in the swimming pool is eighteen (18) years of age
No person with a communicable disease or with a bandage of any kind is allowed to use the pool
All children under 10 years of age (swimmers & non-swimmers) shall be accompanied to the pool by a responsible adult.
Inflatable Rules
No standing on the inflatable at anytime
Inflatables large enough to lay down on are not allowed.
Patrons must keep clear of the sides of the pool when on an inflatable
The use of inflatables may be halted for safety at the discretion of lifeguards as the number of patrons in the water increases. At any time a lifeguard can request removal of inflatables from the pool if their line of sight is being obstructed/compromised.
Inflatables should be filled with air only – not glitter, foam balls, etc.